Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Origins Project

Machine Samples

These are some machine samples I created during the machine workshop. During this workshop we were taught a number of different machine feet, such as the tailor tack foot and the pin-tuck foot. We were also taught to use the embellisher which is something I enjoyed a lot as it was very fast and had very quick results. We were then asked to created a certain number of samples using each foot. We also had to stick to a monochrome palette. This is something I found very difficult as first as I struggled using the machines, I also found it very hard to stick to just black and white. To overcome this I spent a lot of time practicing on the machine to see what samples I could produce. 

Origins Project

Hand Stitch Samples

These are some hand stitch samples I created in reference to my idea of rain. I decided to stick with the colour pallete of blues and greys. These samples are an experiment I did using the idea of random stitch and not having a pattern to stick to. The middle photo I used tinfoil instead of a fabric, then added french knot on top in a random pattern. The tinfoil worked really well during this experiment as it creased whilst I was stitch onto it. Also, when I pulled the thread too tight the tinfoil started to rip, this gave quite a nice effect as you could see the stabiliser underneath. 

Origins Project


These are some photographs that I took during our trip to Liverpool. These were taken from the coach window, at the start, during and end of the journey. As you can see it was raining during the journey. Having struggled to connect my drawings and my samples I began to look through my photographs for inspiration, which is when I came across these photos. I deiced to focus my hand stitch samples on the characteristics of rain. I started focusing on the blue and grey colour pallete using stitch in straight lines to represent it falling from the sky.