Sunday, 8 February 2015

Third Year Practice - Visualisations

Third Year Practice - Visualisations

These are some visualisations and plans that I have created in order to show what I would like my work to develop into. I have always been focused towards creating a final installation piece during Unit X and these drawings show what I would like to achieve. I would like my work to be placed on a clean white wall, this is because I think that it will not take any focus off my work and make my focus of quality of line stand out that little bit more. I would also like my work to be a collection of things, something I have focused on during my 'Practice Brief'. I want my final piece to be a large scale piece of work made up of multiples of things. I would like to have a mixture of soft and hard background within my final designs, I think that this is not only for how my final piece will look but also for practical issues as I think the Perspex will give the piece strength in order to sit on the wall. 

Third Year Practice - Sampling and Testing

Third Year Practice - Sampling and Testing

After attempting to cut the Perspex myself, I decided that I should try and create a more finished and professional look, therefore I decided to go on the laser cutter. I found the machine simple to use and it gave me the chance to experiment in a different way. I created a lot of different samples, varying my range as much as possible. I used a mixture of transparent Perspex and white Perspex. I also cut circles and created a long rectangle piece as well. I liked the idea that I could play around with the different sized circles, large and small, depending on the thread that I wanted to use. The laser cutter has given me the finish that I wanted from my Perspex samples.
I have threaded the samples up using a different range of materials and thread. I have tried to use a variety of threads, using plastic threads, wire, pipe cleaners and traditional embroidery threads. I have also experimented and used a thin strip of stretchy, jersey material. I wanted to experiment as much as possible to see which line and material works the best. I really like the leather cord as it holds itself within the Perspex, creating loops and giving my sample a 3D effect.

Third Year Practice - Sampling and Testing

Third Year Practice - Sampling and Testing

Having spend a lot of time experimenting with soft and transparent backgrounds. It was suggested to me to that I test the idea of using a hard background on my samples. I firstly moved towards Perspex. I used a 3mm sheet with the idea of cutting it into circles and then drilling smaller circles into the first circle this gave me the opportunity to thread the piece up in different ways depending on the holes. This was something that I attempted by myself, however it did not work out how I expected. The Perspex was too thin and buckled under the pressure of all the holes. However, I had a 10mm piece available and tried the same idea with this. I decided not to cut the Perspex into a circle (as I was experimenting with a new material I thought it might be worth keeping a square and experimenting with the shape as well leaving the circle behind) I used a thin plastic thread in white and a thing leather thread in black, I picked these threads as they were flexible enough to create loops coming out of the holes. I really like the way that the thick Perspex and how it came out I think that because you can look at the samples on either side, it represents two totally different patterns and two different journeys, depending on which way to view it.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Third Year Practice - Outward Facing Brief

Third Year Practice - Outward Facing Brief

For my outward facing brief, I would like to set up and help out with workshops in school.  I wanted to help children to learn and experiment with art within schools. I have made lots of contacts with different facilities of learning, such as high schools, colleges and after school clubs. I have managed to arrange two placements where I can go into the classroom and help with workshops. My first placement is with Manchester College, helping the foundation students with the Final Major Project. My second placement is with Z-Arts. I went for an interview and they were very pleased with what I could offer to their workshops. We discussed and I would be best suited with the outside program, visiting schools and helping to deliver the workshops. However, I have not been able to start any of these workshops during my ‘Practice’ brief as the timing was not in my control. Each of these placements are due to start during my Unit X brief. 

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Third Year Practice - Sampling and Testing

Third Year Practice - Sampling and Testing

I have moved my work forward and have experimented with joining my samples together and how I want them too look in the final show. I experimented with different method of joining them together, for example, leaving a gap between each circle and overlapping the circles. I see my final design as a instillation piece on a blank wall. A problem that I have to over come is what the sample will look like on a wall, if there is a gap, my sample wont be as strong and wont be able to hold itself on the wall therefor it will flop down or bunch and crease. However, my favourite sample is the one where there is a gap, I think that this fits well with my concept as it represents different journeys and different times, making each circle an individual piece, rather than one huge circle with one continual journey on it.

Third Year Practice - Sampling

Third Year Practice - Sampling

During the process of sampling, I found that my favourite thread was something that I found called “Parachute Cord” I really enjoyed using this thread as it was rather chunky therefor gave the desired line that I was looking for. I wanted the line to be bold and the first thing that the audience noticed. I used the monochrome colour pallete, like I have throughout my whole project. Another thing that I enjoyed about this thread was that because of its thickness, it held very well on samples, where as other thread were too thin and buckled under the fabric (eg the plastic threads on the PVC material did not work and ended up bunching together when it was taken out of the embroidery hoop)I found that this “parachute cord” worked really well with the netting fabric and gave me a strong solid sample.