Tuesday, 8 January 2013



  For my next brief I have been set the topic of 'Data' with the ideas of; recording time, recording movement, recording connections, recording stories and rules. When first introduced to this title, I found myself a bit confused on what I wanted to base my work on. I began at the start and looked into all the mentioned artists. I began focusing on the 'recording stories' part of the brief, looking at artist who record different moments of their lives, for example Annie Toop who records the memories of her ex-lover or Kathryn Edwards who records mundane task but using bright materials. 
After focusing on the ideas of stories and memories, I again found myself at a loose end. I began typing data into google and different abbreviations of the word data to see what appeared, to see if I could take inspiration from that. The idea of hands and the body came up. This immediately struck a cord and I began looking into the hand and the different meanings behind it, such as pressure points and palm readings. People believe the hand can tell you anything about a human being and their life. The hand is now my main focus of my 'data' brief.

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