
My area of research has been focused on 'conspiracies'. I have really thrown myself into the research as conspiracy theories are something i've always been interested in previously. Looking through lots of websites, I found many different theories, ranging from unknown and unusual ones, for example the royals being man-eating lizard people from the fourth dimension to very common, well know ones such as Princess Diana being murdered. One of the most famous conspiracies i've began to focus more on is the 'Paul McCartney is dead' theory. This theory has been around since the early 1970s. I am finding the research and work very fascinating and it is sparking a lot of ideas.
I find the theory of 'Paul is dead' very convincing. The Beatles include clues in their music and artwork, forcing people to go looking for the clues. I am really enjoying combing through all the different album artworks to see the clues for myself.
To further my study into the Beatles and Paul McCartney, I intend to look at the history and culture at the time this rumour began to circulate, 1970s. Paul McCartney was such a huge influence on men and women, that this makes the idea of the theory so much more interesting.