Unit X - Superstitions
Unit X - Research
When first introduced to the idea of group work during our time in 'Unit X' I was very skeptical about working collaboratively with people from diffferent areas and people who are new to me. The brief was introduced to us as '175', which is the anniversary of the art school. On my own I brainstormed about the number, I tried to think about different ways to interpret the number, for example, 175 steps taken on a journey, 175 pages in a book, 175 pictures and faces. However nothing was sparking excitement, then I realised that I was taking the number and trying to come up with a abstract idea, when really I should have treated it like a number. I decided to add them together (1+7+5=13), this was my idea. The number 13 is something that has so many meanings and tangents that I could go down. This is something I shared with my group and we began brainstorming ideas to do with superstitions. Each person taking a topic, for example mine is conspiracies. This will build the base of our research. The joining back together, and sharing back all the research and facts we have gathered, therefor creating one huge block of research.
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