Thursday, 16 May 2013

PE Task 2

PE Task 2

During my first year of university, studying Textiles in Practice, I have learnt a lot of things and made a lot of new friends. 
For my first workshop choice, I knew from the start that I wanted to take part in embroidery. I found this workshop very good, as the work load was differed (three weeks with work how much you feel necessarily and then three weeks of being told what work needed to be done) I believe that this eased me into the workload and explained in a good way, what work needed to be done. Whilst learning how to use a sewing machine, I felt I knew quite a lot about it and was very well experienced from my foundations, however I was surprised how much I did not know and it was great how the tutors took us through each section of it and explained in fully. 

For my second workshop, I chose Knit and Weave. This is something I have always wanted to take part in as it is something I have never done before. The first workshop was weave, which included a lot of slow learning, for example, doing one thing at a time and being in the same place. This is something i’ve never liked doing before, but in this case, it worked very well. I also liked learning about all the different threads available in weave and experimenting with all the different textures. Weave is something I really enjoyed, the lengthy process made me feel more proud of my work, and it is something I would definitely like to re-visit later on. During my time in knit, I found that I could create more and more samples in a short space of time, rather than with weave, which was a lengthy process, giving me more freedom. 

When I first started university, I thought that I had made the wrong choice and that I would not be able to cope with such a different change. I spent the first couple of weeks debating whether it was the right place for me to be. This is something which how now changed and I am really looking forward to hopefully return to start my second year.

Overall, I think I made the best choice by sticking to my gut feeling and staying at university. I have learnt so much in such a short period of time and I cannot believe how fast my time has gone. After noticing how fast the first years has gone, I have realised how little time I have and I wish to learn as much as possible in such a short time and take part in a much as I can. 

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