Sunday, 27 October 2013


Intentions Brief - Tutorial - 10th October 2013

Today, I had a group tutorial with my new embroidery tutor, Lynn. There were five of us in the group, we each showed our work and chatted about what our brief is going to be about and what ideas/samples we had done so far. I really enjoy taking part in group tutorials in order to see where everyone else is with their brief and how each person is experimenting. I also like that you can bounce ideas of each other and take inspiration from other peoples work. 
Lynn discussed with me about my samples and how to experiment a bit more. She suggested that I try new materials and fabrics instead of just sticking to the black on white that I started off with. She also mentioned to try and experiment with larger samples, rather than sticking to the little pieces of fabric. She also gave me some cards to look at in order to expand my drawings and experimenting with different techniques in order to become a bit looser with my drawings -
make a drawing a long drawing
make a drawing using 5 coloured pencils
make a drawing using only 20 lines
make a drawing out of collage
make a drawing on folded or crumpled paper
make a drawing using transparent paper
make a drawing every 5 minutes for 60 minutes
make a drawing on a dark background
make a drawing on photographs
make a drawing with your eyes shut
make a drawing using the opposite hand
I found her input and everyone else's so helpful and it's sparked lots of ideas for me to run with. 

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