Monday, 11 May 2015

Unit X - Evaluation

Unit X - Evaluation 

Overall, I have really enjoyed Unit X. I feel that because I already had a project running throughout the Practice brief I was prepared and ready to start Unit X. I feel that I went into the project, already knowing what I want to do with ideas in mind and a concept of what I wanted to complete. This meant that I was prepared for Unit X and had a clear plan of what I was to do throughout the project. I feel that I have expanded my skills and knowledge throughout this Unit. I have spent a lot of time using the laser cutter and feel that this had built up my confidence and skills to use other pieces of equipment. I have enjoyed using the laser cutter and the results it has given me is exactly what I expected and wanted for my samples.

Within my Practice brief, I felt that I was really safe and stayed within my comfort zone, which meant my work was never able to grow and I felt that I never pushed my ideas which meant that I was producing the same work week after week. Throughout this brief, I have tried to be as experimental as possible, pushing each idea as far as I can go. I feel that not only has this helped my degree work, it has also helped me as an artist to take a step back from your work and see it in a different way. I have spent a lot of my time on the laser cutter, something that I had never used before. I think that I have learnt a valuable piece of information, which is something I can take with me into the future. I have become very confident with using this piece of machine and as the brief has continued, my confidence has grown and I think this is evident within my work.

Throughout Unit X, I have begun to experiment with drawing again. I feel that I have learnt a new set of skills when it comes to drawing by using tools that I did not expect to use. I always felt that a drawing had to be a drawing, very precise and final, however throughout my final unit I have become more free and expressive with my drawings, something that I have never done before. This new set of drawing skills has helped me create pieces of artwork that I never thought I would be capable of creating. As an artist, I found that this has been a valuable skill that I will carry forward with me.

By completing a placement along side my University work I have gained first hand experience of the career that I want to carry forward after my studies. I have always wanted to become a teacher or a mentor as my chosen career path. I have completed a placement at Z-Arts and this had helped me vastly. I have gained knowledge and experience from going out into the world and completing a placement. I feel that this is something I would not have gained from studying alone. I understand how workshops are now run for children and how much planning goes into them. This has helped me to push forward and I shall be applying to complete a PGCE after my degree in order to continue down the career path of my choice.

If I had more time for my Unit X brief, I think that I would like to push my circles idea further than I have been able to. I would want to experiment with scale a lot more and perhaps create them as large as possible, rather than working small. I think that my work would look and feel very different if the scale was larger and the line would be more interesting and bold on such a bug scale. I would also like more time to complete another placement within my Unit X brief. I would have liked to have taken on another volunteer role to gain as much experience before I take then next step in my academic career.

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