Wednesday, 20 February 2013



These are some fingerprint I have taken prints from. These were created using black ink then pressed onto gloss photo paper. After experimenting with a few papers, I found that gloss photo paper gave a clearer print. These prints were taken from a boy, I find the difference between each print fascinating and would like to take this idea further by taking prints from different genders and ages to see if there is a difference. I then scanned the prints into photoshopped and zoomed in, in order to see each mark made. I find these prints very interesting as you can see on the left image and on a small section of the middle image, there is a portion that just looks like a black smudge, however, the fingertip has a part that features no print at all, due to an accident. This is something that I find strange, it almost stops the print and blends each mark into one larger mark. From these images, I have taken some drawings from the prints, re-creating the lines and marks, again using photo paper, as it is best to create a clear mark. 

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