Sunday, 24 February 2013


Sampling Evaluation 

This project was focused on the idea of 'Data' and how it is interpreted. When first given the brief, I struggled with the idea, the only ones coming to mind were that of stats and graphs. After some research and frustration, I decided to just type the word into google and to see if any results sparked some ideas. I typed different abbreviations of the word to get a mix of results. The main thing coming up was identity, which i then followed on to create my idea of hands and fingerprints.
I started off creating and body of visual research, drawings and photographs of hands. Taking advice from my last brief, and experimented with different drawing materials, rather than just one tool. I then moved onto researching the idea of hands and the history behind them. I looked into palm reading, pressure points and hand gestures. I stuck to just three, as there are so many paths that I could have gone down with research that I didn't want to confuse myself. 
During my first three weeks, I was placed to do weave first, something that I was excited to learn. I found the overall process a very long and time consuming thing, however when you see the final finished weave it makes it worth it. For my weft, I chose a pink, peach and white colour, to represent the flesh tones of the hand. Throughout the weave process I tried to experiment with texture as much as possible, trying to make my weave distort and bulge under the thick threads. I used many different yarns from paper thread to cotton swirl. After having a tutorial, it was mentioned that I should try and use undertones of blues and reds, as you can see the veins through the skin. This is something I tried, using thick blues and small thin reds. I found this idea did not fit very well with my weave, looking back I think the colours that I originally chose for my weft had something to do with this. 
For my last three weeks, I spent them in knit, again a process I was eager to learn. At first I struggled a bit getting to grips with the techniques and threading of the machines. After a bit of practice I grew more confident. I started incorporating parts of my visual research into my knit samples. For example, i was using random patterns, to show the patterns of the fingerprints. I also created two of my own punchcards, again creating random patterns in one and on another card i copied an image of a fingerprints, creating a pattern from it and transferring it into a knit sample.
Overall, I have really enjoyed working on this brief and it it something I would like to come back and work some more on. I think I could have pushed my ideas a bit further, but in the time I had I believe I have done as much a possible. 

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