Sunday 27 October 2013


Intentions Brief - Artist Research 

This is an artist that I found on Pinterest whilst researching for my brief. The artist Sophie Miller is a textiles student (there wasn't much information about her that I could research) What I really love most about Sophie's work is the playfulness she has with texture and surface. Miller uses lots of different threads, wool and materials to build up the surface. This mixture of media makes the picture seem to have lots of different layers. From studying her work, she starts off with plain white fabric with a simple outline of black thread, which I think she does on the machine and then starts to build up her work. I really like the mixture of stitches she uses as well, mixing machine and hand stitching so well that each one blends perfectly together.
I really like Sophie's work and this is something I would really like to experiment with in my own work. She takes influences from the urban landscape, using the textures and shapes of the buildings rather than the outline and a straight copy of what she sees, this is something I have been trying to create. I really like the idea of mark-making, especially with stitch and I think Sophie's work is very inspirational for me.  

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